Landscaping Youth Behavioral Health in Washington State
Our client Health Management Associates recently released a report focusing on behavioral health services in Washington state for the prenatal through age 25 (P-25) population. With co-authorship by Adduna Health Partners’ Hugh Ewart, the report, Funding, Oversight, and Administration of Washington’s Prenatal Through Age 25 Behavioral Health Services, is one step in the state’s legislatively – mandated P-25 behavioral health strategic plan process known as Washington Thriving.
Washington state is currently ranked 48th in the nation for youth behavioral health because it is not meeting the needs of its youth population. This new landscape report serves as a baseline to inform decision-making by the state to improve Washington's youth behavioral health.
The report provides a comprehensive overview of the universe of behavioral health services in existence now. It highlights sources of funding, identifies entities that administer and oversee services, and focuses on care settings that offer critical services. The report lays the groundwork for future steps in the strategic planning process including a gap analysis that will inform a future roadmap of necessary policy changes and investments.
The goal of Washington Thriving is to promote broad understanding of how behavioral health affects well-being and identifies key entry points for young people needing services. It envisions a state in which behavioral health services and supports are available to all children, youth, and their families and caregivers regardless of the type and intensity of service needed and type of insurance coverage, if any. Services across the P-25 age continuum include everything ranging from health promotion and education at a population level to prevention and early intervention through intensive residential services.
Adduna Health Partners appreciated the opportunity to contribute to a critical first step in the development of a robust behavioral health strategic plan for the entire P-25 population in Washington state that will lead to improved health and well-being.
Landscaping behavioral health in Washington state is a key step toward improving acess to services for kids and teens.
Photo Credit: monkeybusinessimages